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How to Build a Christmas Tree in Minecraft

Hello everyone, ninjanunchucks4 here with another post. I know I said my next post would be a fireworks canon tutorial, but I had forgotten about Christmas, so I decided to do a Christmas tree build.

The first thing you need to do is plant for spruce saplings and use bone meal on them. Make sure that you clear at least one block space all the way around. Once it grows it will look something like this.

The trees that you guys grow will probably be different, but they should be roughly the same shape and size. All you need to do is adjust my design to your tree.

The next step is to add lights, you can use ether glowstone of end rods. My example uses glowstone, The finished end rod tree is the picture at the beginning of the post, you can also use end rods as icicles in other winter builds. If you do use glowstone remember to keep it at least five blocks off the ground so it doesn't melt the snow that we're going to add later. You can put the end rods as close to ground as you want because they don't melt snow.

Now comes the fun part, ornaments! Get yourself some creeper, skeleton, wither skeleton, zombie, Steve, and dragon heads and some redstone if you want to make them move. Make sure to evenly position all the heads.

If you have any exposed logs, you could wrap them in some festive colored stained glass, you don't have to use the colors I used or even do it at all, but I think it gives it a more colorful look.

The next thing you need to add is the star. I made it out of yellow stained glass pains and end rods, but you can use anything, you could even use a beacon!

Next you need to add a little scenery. Build a fence around it and then fill it with snow. If you aren't in a plains biome you can use snow golems to make the snow. You can also shear off the pumpkin and reveal the snow man face.

Now, should have the finished product. You could add any number of things to it though. You could put chests around it filled with diamonds and other goodies.

Keep crafting and merry Christmas! ninjanunchucks4 out.


Block's End

A BLOG BY ninjanunchucks4

You-tuber and aspiring animator

© 2016 BY ninjanunchucks4


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