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My First Impressions on Ocarina of Time

Hi everybody ninjanunchucks4 here, and today I am going to talk about my first impressions of Ocarina of Time. Before I begin I just want to say that this is the N64 version and not the 3DS version. Now that that's out of the way, let's get started.

First off I would like to cover the second most hated thing in this game, and that is Navi. The fact is Navi is actually less annoying than any other of the guides in the 3d Zelda games. The only thing that is even slightly annoying is her saying, "Hey!", or "Listen!", or "Watch out!" whenever she gets near something you can lock onto. In reality she was a necessity for the time because this was the first 3d Zelda game ever made and a lot of people that played it had never play a 3d adventure game like this. The only real hand-holding that she did was in the first dungeon (which I thick is completely justified), but after that there was almost none in any other dungeon.

Moving on I want to talk about the pacing of the game. Right off from the beginning you have the option to completely skip the bulk of the tutorial because most of it is contain in the signs in the forest training center and the npcs. What I like about the star of this game is that you can get through it as a new play in less that half an hour, and it isn't drawn out like twilight princess or skyward sword. Another thing that I like about the pacing is that you immediately have a meaningful goal, and that is save the Deku Tree. You don't have to wait two to three hours for the plot to even start.

Once you are out in Hyrule Field the story moves quicklyn but not too quickly. The second dungeon, Dodongo's Cavern, is significantly more challenging than the Deku Tree, but not so hard that you need to spend and extra few hours getting good at the game. Once you reach the third dungeon, Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly, the difficulty ramps up, the puzzles are creative and get you thinking, espesialy after the mini-boss.

My favorite thing in the game by far is the ocarina. I just can get over how cool it is to play a magical instrument. I don't know why this mechanic seems so cool to me, I guess its because I'm kind of a music nerd, but Ocarina does an amazing job of integrating it into the game. You can use song's powers anytime you want unlike Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess and You can even freestyle with it if you want to. The in game ocarina has the same range of notes as and actual twelve hole ocarina (which I do play by the way), so you can play a whole ton of songs on it if you are skilled enough. The first this I did when I got the Fairy Ocarina was mess around with the notes until I could play the whole Song of Healing on it.

The biggest problem I have with this game so far is the owl guide, so far all he has done is make me want to scream because the things he says are thing which could have been figured out by common sense. Every time I see him I brace myself for sixty seconds of needless text. The owl ruins the immersion that I get with this game, he takes me out of the game because he says this that could go in a "You don't say!' meme. Thankfully the encounters you have with his are few and far between.

Overall Ocarina of Time is a great game and I would highly recommend it. The best place to get it is on the Wii store before it closes because it is only $10! I will be doing a water temple review in the future so expect more Zelda in the future.

That's it for now, ninjanunchucks4, out.

Block's End

A BLOG BY ninjanunchucks4

You-tuber and aspiring animator

© 2016 BY ninjanunchucks4


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